Top 10 MLOps Predictions and Trends to Look Out For in 2024

Stay ahead of the curve in 2024 with our expert insights on the top 10 MLOps predictions and trends.

Written by TAFF Inc 06 Sep 2023

MLOps is a term coined with machine learning (ML) and operations (Ops). It refers to the process of applying DevOps principles and best practices to the machine learning lifecycle, which consists of four main stages: data preparation, model development, model deployment, and model monitoring. MLOps is not a new concept, but it has gained more attention and adoption in recent years as the demand for AI solutions has increased across various industries and domains.

MLOps evolved from agile and DevOps practices in software engineering to address the complexities of machine learning. Initially used to enhance software quality, MLOps emerged as a specialized field due to the intricacies of machine learning.

Pioneering companies like Google and Netflix shaped MLOps through internal platforms. The rise of machine learning led to diverse MLOps platforms such as AWS Sagemaker and Azure Machine Learning. These platforms streamline deployment and governance for dynamic technological ecosystems.

Importance of MLOps in the AI industry

MLOps is a crucial component of the AI industry that can bring significant benefits and value to both data science teams and business stakeholders. Reasons, why MLOps are important for the AI industry, include:

The ability to accelerate time-to-market, improve model quality, enhance scalability, and ensure governance.
It automates the ML lifecycle for faster model delivery, mitigates data science-engineering friction, and shortens development cycles.
It guarantees reliable and high-quality models through data enhancement, reproducibility, testing, validation, monitoring, debugging, and maintenance.
MLOps optimize scalability, performance, and deployment across diverse environments.

Top 10 Key trends and predictions for MLOps in 2024

Automation and scalability in MLOps

One of the main goals of MLOps is to automate and scale the machine learning lifecycle. In 2024, we expect to see more advances and innovations in this area, as data science teams seek to improve their productivity and efficiency.

We can see the following aspects in 2024:

AutoML: Automation of the entire machine learning pipeline, from data preprocessing to deployment. This democratizes machine learning, making it accessible to non-experts. Platforms like Google Cloud AutoML, AWS AutoGluon, and others facilitate this trend.

MLOps orchestration: Coordinating machine learning workflows for automation, standardization, and reproducibility. Tools such as Kubeflow Pipelines, MLflow Pipelines, and Airflow support seamless orchestration.

MLOps scaling: This involves optimizing resource allocation, performance, and deployment for machine learning. Technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, and PyTorch Distributed aid in efficient scaling across diverse environments.

Democratization of MLOps

Another key trend that we expect to see in 2024 is the democratization of MLOps. Democratization of MLOps is making MLOps accessible and available to a wider range of users and stakeholders, regardless of their skill level or background.

In the democratization of MLOps, we can see the emergence of low-code/no-code MLOps and MLOps platforms. Low code MLOps involve simplifying model creation and deployment using GUIs or NLIs. This enables non-technical users to build and deploy models independently. Platforms like Google Cloud Vertex AI, Azure Machine Learning Designer, and AWS Sagemaker Studio empower users without coding expertise.

MLOps platforms are unified solutions providing end-to-end management for the entire ML lifecycle. These platforms streamline workflows, experiments, data, models, and more. Examples are AWS Sagemaker, Azure Machine Learning, and Google Cloud AI platform.

Ethical Considerations in MLOps

As machine learning becomes more pervasive and impactful in our society, it also raises various ethical issues and concerns that need to be addressed and mitigated. Ethical considerations are the principles and practices that aim to ensure the ethical development and deployment of machine learning models. This includes addressing biases and ensuring fairness within models by scrutinizing data stages, facilitated by tools like TensorFlow Fairness Indicators and AI Fairness 360.

In addition, safeguarding data and model privacy gains prominence, involving methods like differential privacy, federated learning, and encryption to counter data breaches and unauthorized access. The emphasis on transparency and accountability in model decisions rises, underlined by tools like TensorFlow model analysis and integrated gradient techniques. This aims to instil trust and comply with regulations.

Integration of MLOps with DevOps and CI/CD

Integrating machine learning models involves aligning MLOps with DevOps and CI/CD practices. This ensures a harmonious interplay between the machine learning lifecycle and the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

The concept of MLOps extending DevOps gains momentum, promoting collaboration between data science and engineering teams to seamlessly incorporate machine learning models within software applications. Simultaneously, the adoption of MLOps CI/CD, which integrates continuous integration and delivery principles into the machine learning lifecycle, is on the rise. By automating and standardizing workflows from data ingestion to model deployment, this approach ensures model reliability through quality checks, testing, and monitoring. Key platforms such as Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and Argo CD are central to driving this transformative trend.

Adoption of MLOps in various industries

Adoption of MLOps in various industries refers to the process of applying MLOps principles and practices to the specific use cases and scenarios of different industries and domains.

Various industries are adopting MLOps. Some of them are healthcare, finance, and retail. In healthcare, MLOps play a pivotal role in diagnosis, treatment, and drug discovery. Stringent requirements, including privacy and compliance, demand robust solutions. MLOps assists healthcare data science teams in creating reliable machine learning models.

Finance benefits from ML in fraud detection, risk management, and trading. The dynamic finance landscape requires adaptable models due to market changes and customer behaviors. MLOps helps finance data science teams in monitoring and adjust their models to swiftly evolving situations.

In retail, ML powers recommendation systems, demand forecasting, and personalization. Coping with diverse data types like structured, unstructured, and multimedia data poses challenges.

AI Regulatory Compliance and Governance in MLOps

With the influence machine learning is gaining it also attracts more scrutiny and regulation from various authorities and stakeholders, such as governments, regulators, customers, users, etc. AI Regulatory Compliance and Governance in MLOps includes ensuring that the machine learning models or their outcomes comply with the relevant laws, rules, standards, and norms that govern the use of AI.

The continued prominence of legal frameworks and policies, known as AI laws and regulations, will be influential. These frameworks, like GDPR, CCPA, and the AI Act, shape AI use regarding data protection, ethics, accountability, and more.

Complementing these regulations, AI audits and certifications will gain traction. This process involves meticulous validation of machine learning models to ensure compliance with AI Laws and Regulations and established standards, fostering trust among stakeholders. Initiatives such as AI audit frameworks and certification schemes will enhance accountability and transparency.

Hybrid and Multi-Cloud MLOps

Hybrid MLOps involves blending on-premises and cloud resources. This will benefit security, control, scalability, and flexibility. Overcoming limitations of either environment, it addresses data transfer and availability challenges. Well-known platforms include AWS Outposts, Azure Arc, Google Anthos, Databricks, and Kubeflow.

Multi-Cloud MLOps includes utilizing multiple cloud providers or services. It capitalizes on diverse cloud capabilities while avoiding vendor lock-in and bolstering resilience. Important tools are Crossplane, Terraform, Pulumi, and Argo CD.

Edge Computing and MLOps

Edge computing and MLOps involve tailoring machine learning operations to suit the constraints of new environments. Edge ML focuses on executing machine learning models on edge devices to enhance performance, latency, and privacy. This enables applications like AR/VR and IoT. Widely used platforms are TensorFlow Lite, PyTorch Mobile, Core ML, and TensorRT.

Edge MLOps adapts MLOps principles for edge ML workflows, facilitating central orchestration, optimization, and adaptation of models to specific device characteristics. Notable tools are AWS Greengrass, Azure IoT Edge, Google Cloud IoT Core, Kubeflow, Seldon, and MLflow.

Collaboration between DataOps, DevOps, and MLOps

Collaboration between DataOps, DevOps, and MLOps is a vital practice that synchronizes data, software, and machine learning life cycles. DataOps bridges the gap between data producers and consumers, optimizing data pipelines for quality and usability. DevOps streamlines software development and delivery, enhancing application reliability and performance. MLOps extends DevOps principles to machine learning, aligning data science and engineering teams for seamless model integration into software systems.

By collaborating between DataOps, DevOps, and MLOps, data science teams can achieve various benefits, such as:

  • Improved communication and coordination
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Enhanced quality and performance


  • Cultural change
  • Technical complexity
  • Skill gap


  • Competitive advantage
  • Innovation and creativity


MLOps is a rapidly evolving and expanding field that has a huge potential and impact on the AI industry. As we enter the year 2024, we expect to see more trends and predictions that will shape the future of MLOps. These trends collectively illuminate a future where it empowers enterprises to harness the true potential of their data and machine learning endeavors, driving progress, and propelling us towards a future where AI-enhanced solutions are not only accessible but ethically grounded, efficient, and visionary.

Do you want to harness the future of MLOps for your business? Taff, your dedicated IT service partner, is here to guide you through seamless integration. From using MLOps best practices to scaling AI solutions, we ensure your success in the evolving tech landscape. Contact Us here for further clarifications.


Written by TAFF Inc TAFF Inc is a global leader and the fastest growing next-generation IT services provider. We create customized digital solutions that help brands in transforming their vision into innovative digital experiences. With complete customer satisfaction in mind, we are extremely dedicated to developing apps that strictly meet the business requirements and catering a wide spectrum of projects.